Monday, April 4, 2016

Da Na Na Na Na Dracula!

A Shadow in the Night, crusader for a cause QUICK LOOK! Is it the hero Gotham deserves on that ledge or is it something else? Now I’m not saying that Dracula and Batman are the same person, but tell me have you ever seen them in the same room together? Of course not! I may not be a judge but I can recognize surmounting evidence when I see it, and there are several convincing arguments that suggest billionaire crime fighter and the ever pertinent Count of Transylvania are one in the same.

The Biggest and most convincing argument for Batman and Dracula being one in the same is their fixations with the night. For all purposes of this article the Dracula in question is the one from Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Both Batman and Dracula come alive in the night with very similar purposes. In a sense one could say they both are in search of blood. Batman stalks his prey with superhuman reflexes and prowess striking terror in his foes, draining them of their ability to fight but never killing them, In the name of “justice”. Dracula similarly stalks his prey at night not only with superhuman agility but the ability to be super stealthy and in the 1999 Coppola film seemingly teleport and disappear in the blink of an eye. Now Batman is known for disappearing in a flash, at first he is talking with Gordon and the second Gordon turns his back Batman silently vanishes into the night without a word. This also works in reverse for both of them where they can appear without notice in front of their prey and then quickly vanish immediately after.
Continuing the previous argument, both batman and Dracula can move about during the day time but their powers are quite diminished. Now you may say that Bruce Wayne’s powers aren’t diminished but without any way to conceal his identity Bruce will never demonstrate his amazing acrobatics and crime fighting skills, almost as to say that without the cover of the night he is powerless. Dracula when moving about during the day is very similar to Mr. Wayne, Dracula becomes Prince Vlad, a wealthy man of royalty new to the town, he dresses fashionably and moves with the crowds of the streets somewhat normally. During the day however, Dracula’s powers are extremely diminished and reflect almost nothing of the caped cursader ( not a type, it’s a pun) of the night that he is.
Thirdly, for some reason both of the men in question have an odd fixation with bats. Dracula and Batman in some degree both turn into bats, Dracula literally becomes a bat, beast, thing… and Batman dons spandex and a very pointy mask with a long cape to resemble what he fears most. Not only do both Batman and Dracula have a fixation with bats but similarly they choose to live in large manors or castles all alone in isolation miles away from the nearest town or even Gotham city. Inside their respective manors are many secrets which those that come to visit are forbidden to exploring the house. Now Batman hides his super suit and all his gadgets while as far as the reader of the Stoker novel knows, only horrors are hidden in Dracula’s home. Finally the biggest tie between both characters is that they both seek something they lost, which is their love. Batman broods and seeks to find his love Rachel, while Dracula seeks to find the ancestor or reincarnation of his long lost bride to be Elizabeth.
At the end of the day most people will say that Dracula and Batman are not the same person for whatever reason they choose. However I am not so sure. Next time you see a shadow figure running through the night or a bat flying through the cold night air you choose, but if it’s up to me their probably the same person. After all Dracula is immortal and has to find some way to keep up with the times right?


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog, it seemed quite refreshing and interesting. I would’ve never thought of such comparison, I found it interesting how you compared both of them and it makes a lot of sense. I guess you could also go into the fact that the Wayne name is well known for decades due to Bruce’s father and ancestors, while Dracula is his only ancestor. One last point is that is Batman really all that good since he’s attacking delinquents and trying to save his city, but what if his way is not the proper way to handle things. With this in mind maybe Dracula and Batman could be seen as evil.
