Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dracula or Dexter Morgan?

Dracula could be seen as a blood thirsty creature or even a serial killer. Much like Dracula a certain character from a TV show called Dexter come to mind (spoiler his name is Dexter) … as the show develops we see how obsessed Dexter is with killing, he blames this on his “Dark Passenger” which one could take it to mean his addiction. Both Dracula and Dexter are alike in the sense of killing but they are two completely different serial killers when you look as to why they do it. As we read in Stoker’s Dracula we encountered a monster that killed others for food or simply because he was trying to get revenge. On the other hand, we have Dexter Morgan the serial killer that kills people that are “guilt” or so he says. He goes by a code called “Harry’s Code” which his step father taught him so that he would never get caught. This code involves Dexter alienating himself from people, be careful and the biggest one is to never hurt any innocent person.

Image result for dexter how many seasons

 We could actually argue that they are both addicted to blood, Dracula doesn’t really need that much blood to feed and Dexter has to kill people in order to satisfy his urges or else he’s not himself and gets stressed out. According to the definition of the word, addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (e.g., gambling, sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work. While Dracula has no work, the addiction interferes with his everyday life, he didn’t have to drain the blood of Lucy but he had to do it so that he could satisfy his needs and also hurt an enemy. Moreover, as we go into how much they resemble each other in their thirst for blood they both do it for a complete different reason. It’s like darkness versus light but in reality they are both darkness… In all reality we could even compare ourselves to Dracula because as a society we are addicted to social media. We tend to never leave our phones alone, we are either checking snapchat, twitter or for those of us cool cats Facebook… Well I am off to satisfy my social media addiction good luck with yours!!

Image result for social media addiction

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