Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ted Cruz: Zodiac Killer or Vampire?

Unfortunately, it looks to me like Ted Cruz might be our next president. I am not basing this belief on how he is doing in the polls, or how he compares to his opponents. No, I am basing this solely on the fact that he is a vampire (though he would have you believe otherwise, the sneaky little shit).

Many of you may have heard the popular joke that’s going around about how Ted is the Zodiac Killer. “Now, that doesn’t make any sense,” you might be saying to yourself as you scroll through the Internet. “He was born right after the killer stopped.” To most people, it seems pretty obvious that he is not the killer. You may even be one of those people. But I want you to think about it. How convenient is it that he was “born” only months after the last known attacks by the killer. Was he really born? Or could he have faked a childhood and charmed some parents (figuring that vampires have that ability) into thinking they had had a grown son. Of course after that he had to fake a birth certificate (Canadian of course, those pesky American ones can be difficult, what with the Birthers and all that).

But that’s not all.
Just look at him. Look at his face.

Does he seem like he’s having a good time? No. His face suggests that he is in a state of perpetual discomfort. He is struggling through life in the public’s eye, where he is unable to drink blood as freely as he desires. Just imagine being constantly surrounded by delicious milkshakes/whatever-yummy-drink, that you could not consume.

Also, do his values really seem to have kept up with those of the 21st century? Many conservatives even feel that he has gone too far back in time. This would not be unlike other vampires, who tend to get stuck in whatever time period they turned in.

You may be asking yourself, “Why on earth would any of this mean that Ted Cruz is going to be the next president?” Let me tell you why. There is a theory that every US president, from Andrew Johnson onward has been a vampire (though, lets be honest, Andrew Jackson does look at least a little vampy). The story goes that there was once a Portuguese sailor on a whaling ship who decided to kill two men and drink their blood while at sea (cough cough, just like Dracula did). He was declared a vampire, and after his arrest, President Johnson decided to pardon him of his crimes. Now, why on earth would the President do such a thing? The sailor was clearly deranged and dangerous, so why should he be pardoned? It seems to me that the answer is pretty realistic and obvious: they were vamp bros! Prezy Johnson had to have his pal’s back. 

Ever since then, there has been a chain of vampire presidents. My theory is that secretly—as part of the inauguration ritual, of course—the past president turns the new one into a vamp (with a few exceptions, do you really think they’d let W become a vampire? LOL). 


  1. The thing is, I could actually see this as a real thing. Ted Cruz has done some bizarre things like bought 100 cans of soup after his wedding and implied he would have sex with rats in an interview about Donald Trump. Cruz also has that weird stance whenever he’s trying to pose for pictures, as if he cannot comprehend how to stand in a “normal human” way. The only problem with this theory is that he can go out in daylight, but perhaps he is so powerful and ancient that he has finally figured out how to avoid burning. Maybe he has a doppelganger. I agree with you about the suspicions around him considering the Zodiac Killer. In fact, I made a YouTube video showing my concern about this ghastly fact, and I think it proves your point even further (here’s the video:

  2. I completely agree that there's something suspicious going on with Ted Cruz. I think its plausible that he somehow made himself younger or look younger (though the extent of how much I do not know). We witnessed through the readings of Dracula as well as the movie that "feeding" can rejuvenate the appearance, and he might have used this to his advantage throughout the years. After his rampant killing spree in the 60's and 70's, he needed to hide himself and start all over. Who better to succeed in this plan than a vampire? Ted Cruz is #ZodiacKillerConfirmed2K16

  3. I enjoyed reading some of the points and illustrations brought up. I can see how some of his gestures and actions can give off a bit of an unsettling tone. They even featured him on a True Blood episode and used the misogynistic theme a bit. His reaction to it didn’t help his image, I feel the use of him on the show was also used to attract views as I’ve seen some patterns from the show doing this. He does need to work on his posing and smile in the public eye, as one could joke he is of a different species such as a vampire and still learning how to blend in.
