VDHD - (Vampire deficit hyperactivity disorder)
Symptoms: Irritability, Fatigue, Headaches, Anxiety, Lack of focus.
New recent discoveries have lead scientists to believe that vampires do actually exist. It is now so common that every 1 in 30 people are scientifically proven to be a Vampire. A common stereotype resulting in this disorder is a need for blood that over the years has been portrayed that they are murderous due to their needs. However this is not true. This (VDHD) is referring to ones need for a larger blood flow to be circulated to their brain. These types of people have specialized Neurons inside their brain that cannot connect between both hemispheres as sufficiently as possible without a larger % of blood inside their system that their bodies cannot produce on its own. Their senses become profound, and they gain mind-controlling abilities after taking a dose of blood. They do not require a lot and we now can create synthetic blood in laboratories to provide for them medically. Vampires are not monsters, they are just people effected by a brain disorder that makes them inattentive and weary because their brain requires more blood flow. These people are not lazy, they just require more blood to become more efficient and hardworking. The retrovirus inside the brain causes a lack of blood flow and almost eats up at the blood that people need and produce inside themselves.
Symptoms after blood shot: Smarter, more efficient, gained senses, more observant, heal quicker
These studies date back all the way to Yale University in 1985 in its discoveries of the "Endogenous retroviruses". These people are still human, however a simple exchange of blood can boost these people to become even more normal. People can have this retrovirus passed down through birth from either parents. Even more discoveries can be made as we research this disease but we need to understand more about how this retrovirus really works. Their extra strength causes the sympathetic to take over the norepinephrine and pours into the blood which causes them to become pale and more strong. This disorder has been over analyzed for years and has created a monstrous view of these kinds of people. They have been labeled as satanic and lonely for years but really they were just misunderstood due to a brain disorder.
Here the website to where i got this idea from:
- I don't actually believe this to be true, but i thought it was interesting.
I agree with you that this is a very interesting idea and, if done right, I think this could be used in a pretty cool movie. I'm curious as to how you found this website, I clicked it and checked it out and I have to say it's got some pretty different things going on. What do you think about this actually being studied at places like Yale and Harvard? Does it make you kind of wonder if there's not some truth to it? Like you, I don't really think it's true but then again, you never really know...