Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Adele Hale Stackhouse x Bill Compton fanfic

“And now, if you’ll excuse Adele and me, maybe we’ll take a walk and see what else I remember from the War. It’s a lovely night” Bill reached over and took Adele’s hand. The backs of her hands had been tendered with age, mottled with spots and lines. The clumpy veins and heavy wrinkles texturing her hands spanned out as if to map her long life. As they stepped onto the porch, a couple of strands of her thick white hair were picked up by the wind, obscuring her face like a light snow flurry. Bill had to see her eyes so he brushed the strands off her face and hooked them behind her ear. His touch brought a roseate tint to her cheeks.
“I’m sorry I normally have my hair braided” she said bashfully. There was something about her soft southern accent that soothed Bill. Perhaps it was that she sounded so much like the long dead family and friends he yearned to hear again.
His hand had drifted from behind her ear to settle on the curve of her neck. He could feel her heart thundering. His thumb stroked the turkey neck hanging from her chin.
“Oh Adele” Bill breathed as he rested his forehead on hers.
Bill did not know how to make her fathom how she made him feel. His old age had made him weary. He didn’t have the same desires as he had had long ago as a young man. He didn’t want some young dollop anymore. He had already had a wife and children; he already had his romp in the hay. He just wanted a companion, someone to share and commiserate with. Bill wanted a real woman. A real woman like Adele. He had nothing in common with the millennials all around him. His old confederate soul had wandered all across the United States until he finally found a home here in Bon Temps, here in Adele.
“Bill-Bill stop. Bill look at me” She gently yet firmly grabbed his face and made him look at her. Her hands shook, whether with age or nerves or a combination of both he couldn’t tell.
“Bill I’m old. I’m not like Sookie or Jason.” Her voice wavered and dropped down into an unsteady whisper. “I can’t keep up with a strong man like you and we both know I won’t be here on this earth for nearly as long.”
Bill couldn’t wait any longer. There was only one way he could make her feel the depth of his emotions. He swooped in and pressed his lips against hers. For a couple of seconds that felt like an eternity they just stood there. Lips gently pressed together. Adele seemed to shake off any reservations and opened her mouth to breath in shakily against his lips. As soon as her lips opened his tongue entered and they were locked in an erotic tangle of tongues and dripping saliva. Bill was overwhelmed by desire and pressed her hard against the side of the house. It wasn’t until his hands had slipped up her night gown that Adele turned her head to regain the breath she had lost. As his fangs grazed down her neck, Bill felt her reach up towards her face. She looked him in the eyes, her pupils dilated, she breathed heavily as she slowly pulled out the dentures from her mouth. They fell to the ground with a heavy plop and wet saliva spattered onto his dress shoes.
“Now there is nothing holding me back” Adele said with a coy lisp.
Bill leaned in a licked up the trail of drool that had run down her neck. It was better than any blood he had ever tasted.

“and you thought you wouldn’t be able to keep up” Bill said with a smirk.


  1. Wow.
    This makes a lot of sense in many ways. When reading I would think to myself "why tf is this several-hundred-year old man interested in what this 20-something has to say?" Gran and Bill have so much more in common, so it makes sense that they would be drawn to each other instead. Also, Gran is just much better than Sookie in every way possible (not that that is difficult, Sookie kind of sucks in every way possible). Overall, Bill and Gran work well together.
    PS I like to imagine this being read by Gilbert Gottfried, especially since I know how much you just LOVE his voice. Maybe send it to him and ask him to do a reading of it?

  2. Thank you so very much for actually making this Gran slash Bill Compton dream a reality. I hope you can continue this in some way, shape, or form and make it awesome.

  3. Thank you so very much for actually making this Gran slash Bill Compton dream a reality. I hope you can continue this in some way, shape, or form and make it awesome.
