Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Modern Vampires and Racism? Does True Blood go too far or not far enough?

In true blood, there is much symbolism and references between the criticisms and persecution that vampires face in “Today’s” world and the plight of an African American during the civil rights movement. The TV show has heavy symbolism and images that it uses to push this seemingly plausible agenda of making vampires suffer like African American’s during the civil rights movement. There is also a lot of connections made between the vampires and homosexuality, phrases like coming out of the coffin are obvious throwbacks o coming out of the closet etc. and though initially, the show tries to play up the necessity for equality and the rights issues for vampires, it falls short of really tackling the symbolism and comparison. The show teases the audience of being about a racial issue, but at the end of the day or in this case episode, this is still about Sookie and Bill.
The plight of the vampires is making a pretty large leap to compare itself to the plight of an African American during the civil rights movement. The struggles were much harder and dangerous to overcome than it is for vampires. For one thing, vampires can pass for human if they need to, an African American cannot pass for white to escape persecution. For another, when Vampires publicly came forward, they did so in a time where things like the civil rights movement already happened, and society already has laws in place to prevent such things like that form reoccurring. This is not to minimize the persecutions of vampires in the series, but to compare it to the civil rights movement is unfair. Its like comparing apples to oranges, both of them are fruit but neither are the same.

This is probably why HBO never jumps in to these similarities head first, it just isn’t the same struggle for vampires as it was and is for African Americans. The show is still about a love story at the end of the day and making it a civil rights issue, although it would be interesting, it would take away from the story. People watch True Blood because it’s a raunchy adult romance story with vampires, and to make it into a show about race and rights would be to make it into a different show. I think the show doesn’t delve enough into the race and civil rights issues, but I think it does so out of knowledge that, although those are serious issues, its not what the core of the show is about, and to change that would be to take away from the work of the author who wrote the series. True Blood is about vampires who fall in love with humans, and that’s why the show doesn’t stray too far from the plot of the novels.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I really like the way you compared racism and vampires. Thats not something you see very often and as awful as true blood may be, you did a really good job of drawing the conclusions between the vampires as monsters and as a race facing the same problems that it seems exist in our very vampire free real world today
