Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sookie Stackhouse: Best at Being the Worst

                What makes a good character? Some would say that they would need to be believable; others would say that their words and actions should be justified. Whatever your definition of a “good character” is, I think we can all agree that a show needs good, solid characters, especially main characters. So then, where does Miss Sookie Stackhouse fall on the list? I think you already know.
                I hate Sookie. Like honestly, she is a terrible character, and normally this wouldn’t be awful, except for the fact that she is one of the mains. But why do I hate her you might ask. Good question. I hate her, first of all, because the story makes her almost completely unlikeable. Now, to be fair, the book did a better job at making the reader kind of sympathize with her, for example, when it talks about her telepathy and the emotional and psychological problems that arise because of it.  But in the show, however, they chose to ignore anything that might make the viewer sympathize with her in favor of Jason sex scenes,

                So why is she so unlikeable? The problem stems from her decision-making skills and her sour attitude. Throughout the book and the show alike, we see Sookie make dumb and irresponsible decisions, against the wise words of her friends, and then get pissed off at them for expressing concern. “Don’t try to start a relationship with a vampire.” Probably a good piece of advice that Sookie just blatantly ignores and berates her friends for suggesting. And by the time she starts complaining about the downsides of dating a vampire, I can’t even pretend to care because, yeah, that’s what your friends were telling you!

And then there’s her attitude. Oh man, her attitude. On top of ignoring her friends and being irresponsible, I’ve already mentioned that she constantly tries to interject with her own idiotic opinions that really have no basis and just flat out abuses her friends for trying to help her.  An example of Sookie’s poor attitude in the show comes from a scene between her BEST FRIEND Tara and her. Tara bursts into the room, excited and happy that her mom is finally being the mother that she always wanted, basically pouring her heart out the Sookie, and Sookie snaps back and basically says “stop being happy, my grandmother is dead, talk about me instead of you.” Like jeez, just be happy for your friend for once, it doesn’t have to be all about you MISS STACKHOUSE.
It’s just…I can’t empathize with her at all. She’s reckless and irresponsible, she’s rude to her friends and expects everyone to care all about her, and she thinks she’s justified in all her actions. But she’s not.  And I hate her. #worstcharacter2012

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Sookie is a terrible character, both in how she acts towards those who care about her, and in just how she was written. In some scenes she shows no emotion even when it would be beneficial and in other scenes like the pie scene she erupts into a unnecessary fit over a mundane, little issues. Sookie shows the worst qualities in people by being excessively selfish, shaming people for their different opinions (in this case the fact she is dating a vampire) and believing the she is always right (so she is basically a Trump supporter in disguise).
